Tuesday, April 13, 2004

A new issue, # 99 !!! is on the stands at:


Part II (of what looks like III) of a review of Prof Kenneth R Miller, of Brown University, talking "Time to Abandon Darwin?: Evolution vs Intelligent Design.

A telling talk for those of us who are proponents of science education.

Friday, April 9, 2004

The current issue of the News' Dark Time reports on a talk given last night (Thu, 4/8) by Dr Kenneth Miller, of Brown Univ. His subject: "Time for Darwin? Evolution vs Intelligent Design". Your editor is at once, as Dr Miller, a practicing Roman Catholic, _and_ a supporter of the teaching of evolution. Miller pointed out you can't each biology without teaching evolution. It's the centerpice of any theory of the diversity of species on the planet.

Read the review, over two issues, numbers 98 and 99 (the latter pending at this post).